Dragons’ Den Series 13: Episode 3

Already it’s week 3 and this episode was brimming with a diverse range of emotions. We saw the Dragons listen to 5 pitches all bidding for their investment and expertise.
Trade marks is one of the main issues that the IPO deals with. You can find information on trade marks on the IPO website.
Already it’s week 3 and this episode was brimming with a diverse range of emotions. We saw the Dragons listen to 5 pitches all bidding for their investment and expertise.
When the brother and sister duo of Graeme and Fiona Fraser-Bell stood before the dragons, I wasn’t sure how they would fair.
Dragons' Den is back and we have reached series 13. Let’s hope it doesn’t turn out to be unlucky for the entrepreneurs who enter the Den this series.
We’ve reached the last episode of series 12. It’s hard to believe but Dragon’s Den has been around since 2005. One of the first ever entrepreneurs to secure a deal back in series one has been in the headlines this …
It’s hard to believe it but we’re halfway through the second half of series 12 of Dragon’s Den already.
It only seems like weeks since we waved goodbye to the Dragons and yet here we are, already two episodes into the second half of the series.
Forget warming by the fire in this chilly weather, the heat was on full blast as the Dragons returned to the Den tonight.
Dragons' Den is all about everyday inventors, designers, creators or entrepreneurs pitching their innovative business ideas to a panel of successful investors, AKA the Dragons.
Welcome to the fourth instalment of our Dragons’ Den blog, packed with useful IP information and advice. This week I’ll be discussing brands, patents, designs and trade secrets.
It’s only week 3 and we’ve already seen some interesting and innovative ideas presented to the Dragons in the Den. But what’s next? Tonight I’ll be looking at trade marks, registered designs and top tips for brand protection.
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