Dragons’ Den, Episode 5, Series 20

From van alarms to fashion, bag pipes to apps – IP affects every area of business. However, the entrepreneurs had one thing in common...they were seeking that all important investment from the Dragons.
Laurien Webb is a Senior Campaigns Manager in the Campaigns and Education Team at the IPO.
From van alarms to fashion, bag pipes to apps – IP affects every area of business. However, the entrepreneurs had one thing in common...they were seeking that all important investment from the Dragons.
It’s the last Dragons’ Den episode for Series 19 - what a series! Tonight, once again, we see the entrepreneurs undergoing trial by fire...and the Dragons are as fierce as ever!
It’s hard to believe, but we are more than halfway through series 19 of Dragons’ Den already. Intellectual Property was a hot topic in the Den tonight, so I’ve picked my favourite pitch of the episode. I wish you’d had a …
From eco-friendly paint trays to sustainable beauty products and at home puddle patches for your pooches, there was a vast range of products in the Den this evening. But there were two pitches that really caught my eye. If you’re …
Passions were running high in tonight’s episode with some fiery questions from the Dragons, surely leaving some of the entrepreneurs feeling hot under the collar. Tonight’s episode was jam packed with Rockstar spirits, nursing bras, immersive adventure-themed home work-outs, heat-free …
The Den, a place of soaring dreams and searing heat. Every week I watch with anticipation to see whose businesses are worthy of Dragon investment and whose pitches are about to go up in smoke! This week’s episode was just …
This week's Dragons’ Den had me smiling at the TV and covering my eyes shortly after as a new batch of entrepreneurs began their quest to lock horns with the Dragons. I always wonder how I would fair in the …
From apps to super foods, old garden mowers to low-calorie craft beers - this week’s Dragons’ Den was packed full of highs and lows for the Dragons and the entrepreneurs. Tooth Decay through Technology Technology allows us to connect with …
This week, Dragons’ Den began with an invention and a riddle that Dick Van Dyke would have been proud of.
It’s hard to believe that we are already on Episode 5 of Dragons’ Den!
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